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Creates multiple imputations using mice, based on the options and dataset specified by a call to proposeMI. If a substantive model is specified, also calculates the pooled estimates using pool.


doMImice(mipropobj, seed, substmod = " ", message = TRUE)



An object of type 'miprop', created by a call to 'proposeMI'


An integer that is used to set the seed of the 'mice' call


Optionally, a symbolic description of the substantive model to be fitted, specified as a string; if supplied, the model will be fitted to each imputed dataset and the results pooled


If TRUE (the default), displays a message summarising the analysis that has been performed; use message = FALSE to suppress the message


A 'mice' object of class 'mids' (the multiply imputed datasets). Optionally, a message summarising the analysis that has been performed.


# First specify the imputation model as a 'mimod' object
## (suppressing the message)
mimod_bmi7 <- checkModSpec(formula="bmi7~matage+I(matage^2)+mated+pregsize",
# Save the proposed 'mice' options as a 'miprop' object
## (suppressing the message)
miprop <- proposeMI(mimodobj=mimod_bmi7,
                    plot = FALSE)
# Create the set of imputed datasets using the proposed 'mice' options
imp <- doMImice(miprop,123)
#> Now you have created your multiply imputed datasets, you can perform
#> your analysis and pool the results using the 'mice' functions 'with()'
#> and 'pool()'

# Additionally, fit the substantive model to each imputed dataset and display
## the pooled results
doMImice(miprop, 123, substmod="lm(bmi7 ~ matage + I(matage^2) + mated)")
#> Given the substantive model: lm(bmi7 ~ matage + I(matage^2) + mated) ,
#> multiple imputation estimates are as follows:
#>          term   estimate  std.error  statistic       df       p.value
#> 1 (Intercept) 17.6607324 0.07126548 247.816079 233.1668 2.116834e-284
#> 2      matage  1.1504545 0.05230345  21.995769 184.5081  1.863532e-53
#> 3 I(matage^2)  0.8414975 0.03231752  26.038433 257.1270  4.754845e-74
#> 4      mated1 -1.0026194 0.10787751  -9.294054 159.1101  1.094881e-16
#>        2.5 %     97.5 %
#> 1 17.5203258 17.8011389
#> 2  1.0472648  1.2536442
#> 3  0.7778567  0.9051382
#> 4 -1.2156760 -0.7895629