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Explore whether the observed relationships in the specified dataset are consistent with the proposed parametric model (which may represent the analysis or imputation model).


checkModSpec(formula, family, data, plot = TRUE, message = TRUE)



A symbolic description of the model to be fitted, with the dependent variable on the left of a ~ operator, and the covariates, separated by + operators, on the right, specified as a string


A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model, specified as a string; family functions that are supported are "gaussian(identity)" and "binomial(logit)"


A data frame containing all the variables stated in the formula


If TRUE (the default) and there is evidence of model mis-specification, displays a plot which can be used to explore the functional form of each covariate in the specified model; use plot = FALSE to disable the plot


If TRUE (the default), displays a message indicating whether the relationships between the dependent variable and covariates are likely to be correctly specified or not; use message = FALSE to suppress the message


An object of type 'mimod' (a list containing the specified formula, family, and dataset name). Optionally, a message indicating whether the relationships between the dependent variable and covariates are likely to be correctly specified or not. If there is evidence of model mis-specification, optionally returns a plot of the model residuals versus the fitted values which can be used to explore the appropriate functional form for the specified model.


Curnow E, Carpenter JR, Heron JE, et al. 2023. Multiple imputation of missing data under missing at random: compatible imputation models are not sufficient to avoid bias if they are mis-specified. J Clin Epidemiol. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2023.06.011


# Example (incorrectly) assuming a linear relationship
             family="gaussian(identity)", data=bmi)
#> Model mis-specification method: regression of model residuals on a
#> fractional polynomial of the fitted values
#> P-value: 0
#> A small p-value means the model may be mis-specified. Check the
#> specification of each relationship in your model.

  ## For the example above, (correctly) assuming a quadratic relationship
             family="gaussian(identity)", data=bmi)
#> Model mis-specification method: regression of model residuals on a
#> fractional polynomial of the fitted values
#> P-value: 1
#> A large p-value means there is little evidence of model
#> mis-specification.