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Explore whether relationships between fully observed variables in the specified dataset are consistent with the proposed directed acyclic graph (DAG) using localTests functionality.


exploreDAG(mdag, data)



The DAG, specified as a string using dagitty syntax


A data frame containing all the variables stated in the DAG. All ordinal variables must be integer-coded and all categorical variables must be dummy-coded.


A message indicating whether the relationships between fully observed variables in the specified dataset are consistent with the proposed DAG


exploreDAG(mdag="matage -> bmi7 mated -> matage mated -> bmi7
                 sep_unmeas -> mated sep_unmeas -> r",
#> The proposed directed acyclic graph (DAG) implies the following
#> conditional independencies (where, for example, 'X _||_ Y | Z' should
#> be read as 'X is independent of Y conditional on Z'). Note that
#> variable names are abbreviated:
#> bmi7 _||_ r | sp_n
#> bmi7 _||_ r | matd
#> bmi7 _||_ sp_n | matd
#> matg _||_ r | sp_n
#> matg _||_ r | matd
#> matg _||_ sp_n | matd
#> matd _||_ r | sp_n
#> These (conditional) independence statements are explored below using
#> the canonical correlations approach for mixed data. See
#> ??dagitty::localTests for further details.  Results are shown for
#> variables that are fully observed in the specified dataset. The null
#> hypothesis is that the stated variables are (conditionally)
#> independent.
#>                         estimate  p.value        2.5%      97.5%
#> matage _||_ r | mated 0.02998323 0.343547 -0.03206946 0.09180567
#> Interpretation: A small p-value means the stated variables may not be
#> (conditionally) independent in the specified dataset: your data may not
#> be consistent with the proposed DAG. A large p-value means there is
#> little evidence of inconsistency between your data and the proposed
#> DAG.
#> Note that these results assume that relationships between variables are
#> linear. Consider exploring the specification of each relationship in
#> your model.  Also consider whether it is valid and possible to explore
#> relationships between partially observed variables using the observed
#> data, e.g. avoiding perfect prediction.